I never get sick, never!! Today I feel as though I need a bit of me time. A little bit of space in my life to simply let go and breathe. To make space between my thoughts to find the silence, to find my centre, to find my truth. And I believe that I have manifested cold like symptoms to do just that.
To slow down and re connect within, I listen to that quite little voice inside who is busting to be heard, who is telling me "listen, let go, relax, breath and do no more".
I am honouring her by taking the day off from the salon tomorrow, I also have the next day off. Two blissful days to listen, relax and reignite my spirit, sip tea, hang out with my dogs, write letters and let go in a respectful way my cold like symptoms.
The photo is from my family's shearing shed, I am imagining myself there, so grounded, so still, so quite, so rich in family history. That place has a wonderful deep earthly smell that can clear even the most clouded mind. I love imagining myself there ........
Enjoy ...