This week so far has sent my emotions, scaling from one way to another high highs and then crashing right down into the lows!!!
I don't usually feel or even speak about things in a negative way, but this week I lost all the info from a computer at my business. My whole work life was encased within the plastic container of the computer and it was gone.... never to be seen again, or so I thought.
My salon opened in its new location everyone was on a high everything was flowing well and bang!!! bang bang all gone.
After lots of phone calls and driving all over Brisbane, Dean sorted the whole thing out, and for that I am forever grateful, that he kept his usual cool, calm, collected self and simply found the solution.
The reason I am sharing this is because underneath all the craziness, I stopped myself and took my mind back into the space I was in when I was doing yoga teacher training. I was detached, knowing that this to will pass, knowing that everything happens for a higher good, knowing that if this is all I have to complain about that I am the top 10% of human beings on this planet to be even able to have a business, a computer, a home, a committed fully devoted partner, a wonderful family, to have my breath, to be about to breathe deeply, simply to be alive at this time in this wonderful country.
And to have learnt how to take myself there in the midst of this seeming chaos, was a blessing.
Everything did work out at the salon. It always does, but for a brief moment I felt lost, and realised that life isn't just about my work, my clients, my girls. It is about something so much bigger, and now that we are up and running I will be able to find the life / work balance again, and relax a little. As I just re read that I realised that my life and work are one, I try to be present in each moment and enjoy that my life happily blends the life / work thing... Lisa xx