Thursday, July 23, 2009

My unravelling has began!

My journey into my unravelling has taken me on a deeper, and more thoughtful path.

Through taking photos of myself and writing, I am focusing on what I need and want!

I love that I am unveiling hidden thoughts that may have been lurking around, slowing me down from moving forward!

I love love taking photos of myself, and even though I never look how I think I do I am finding it refreshing to see myself how others do.

My personal yoga practice has deepened, and I think that is helping me to shift some old energy.

I am loving who I am finding under the surface of my everyday thoughts and every day actions.

There seems to be a pause and detachment to my surroundings so that I can take it all in and be very present!

Let's see where this unravelling will lead me next!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for reading and commenting on my blog. I think you are so correct when you say 'things that you would usually put up with now seem impossible'. That is exactly how it feels. While I've become better at staying present during difficult moments, yoga seems to highlight the things that are unnecessarily difficult in one's life, and inspires you to save your energy for more worthwhile things, things that bring you peace or things that make the world a better place.

    Good luck with the unravelling!
