Sunday, March 28, 2010


Today I felt so alive and happy, everything I set my mind to and put a bit of action behind seems to manifest for me... Well most things...

My new salon is up and running and is fantastic, the space is still really big and that is taking a bit of time to get used to. But the feeling and the energy is starting to feel homely and peaceful, and creative.

There are times during the day, where I feel so creative like there is a force within myself that is just buzzing with creative, healing energy. And is just busting to get out into the world and create. But create what???

I ask myself often, new colours and cuts, I don't think so because that just happens easily. I feel the urge to create something that takes a bit of courage, and purpose. Something that will be remembered long after I have gone. Something that will help others navigate their way through this wonderful gift called life...

But what? Not sure it will come to me I know that.

I may have written this before here on my blog, but to find out what your life purpose is, is to do whatever made you happy as a child. The time where we were most unaffected by others thoughts, opinions, and ideas. A time where we were free to dream, and tell stories, and simply be still. I also know that our purpose is to do with serving, serving others less fortunate than us. In whatever way feels right for you it may even be as simple as saying a prayer for mother earth, or helping someone laugh!! I am rambling now aren't I...

Well goodnight my dear friends in cyber space Lisa x

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